Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wasilla Project Second Video: Religion in Politics

Here's their second video.This video discusses Palin's social conservative stance and her use of religious affiliation to advance her political career. I take issue with using religion in the political arena. I remember reading how Sarah announced herself as the Christian running for mayor in Wasilla as though her opponent, John Stein, was something other...think Jew because of his last name. He's not, he's a Christian. But things got so ugly that he and his wife were forced to produce their marriage certificate all because his wife had kept her maiden name. Even with that done there were people that said it could've been forged! Sheesh, reminds me of all the nonsense over Barack Obama's birth certificate. The film discusses the issue of abortion that came up in Wasilla due to Sarah's injection of religion in local politics. This is another in their series of well made informational films.


Beth said...

Yep...from what I've read, she injected culture, "hot-button" issues into a small town mayoral race.

I don't have a problem with a candidate's religion, as long as they keep it out of their governance. Palin obviously isn't doing that.


Fish Hawk Jody said...

Exactly. I agree with you, Beth.

Wicks }:>

How I See It said...

ugh! she infuriates me!!