Friday, October 10, 2008

Republican Supporters of Hate

Even though today McCain asked the people at his rallies to be respectful he still told them he wanted to fight. Now, seriously, you think the people in these videos will listen to him? The utter ignorance and anger of these people is appalling. What's worse is that they are PROUD of displaying it.
I don't think these people could define socialist if you asked them.

Those the real McCain supporters and they make me ashamed that they call themselves Americans. I've never heard this kind of ugliness at an Obama rally.

UPDATE Per Mark Halperin :

After days of watching in silence, McCain calms the crowd at his Minnesota town meeting.

"I want everyone to be respectful. And let’s make sure we are, because that’s the way politics is done in America."

Tells one supporter who says he’s scared of an Obama presidency: "I have to tell you, he is a decent person, a person that you do not have to be scared [of] as president of the United States."

After a woman calls Obama "an Arab," McCain interrupts to say: "No, ma’am. He is a decent family man, citizen."

During his stop in Minnesota when he expressed to the crowd that Obama was a decent man, he was promptly booed. So much for getting the salivaters under control now that you've spent 5 days whipping them into a froth, John. Well, we'll see what happens next. As far as I'm concerned the damage has already been done. His followers are still rabid to me.

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