Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some Fun

Ah, well, leave it those on the Internet to start with the pictures and re-playing some McCainisms.

This drove me nuts when I heard it. Gave me a very creepy feeling. As though some lecherous grandpa was talking and might "touch" me. Ewwwwwww

The no handshake before the McCains fled the place. How rude!

People latched on to the "That One" comment and came up with a good spin.

But one of my old favs reflects the state of McCain's Republican party.


Beth said...

Funny stuff! I did read this morning, though, that McCain did shake Obama's hand immediately when the debate ended--when they were both standing in front of Brokaw's teleprompter, LOL.


Fish Hawk Jody said...

Yes, immediately after but cripes he could've shaken his hand again before he and Cindy fled like weasels.
Funny how Cindy is always about 2 steps behind John and then he shoves her forward last night to shake Obama's hand.