Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Quick Post: Aggravation

Yes, here I am in the woods and aggravation is the word for the day.

We arrived on Thursday afternoon and it was beautiful here and we got right to work. The whole weekend was beautiful...until. Until I turned on our tv and discovered that someone at Dish Network screwed up our account and did not connect all the channels we pay for! So I called them. What a royal pain that turned out to be. You see, I'm having Wild Blue satellite broadband connected up here because this dial up that I'm using right now SUCKS! 26.4k SUCKS! lol Anyway because we are getting wild blue through Dish they told me I could only get the tv mess fixed if I canceled the wild blue date for connection! WTF!!!?? I said you've got to be kidding. They weren't. So, in order to get tv we canceled. Dish network's jackassery policy and inability to have an open work order and fix a problem THEY created ticked me off royally. So I yelled and told them that was insane but that they'd better fix the tv situation. Well, they fixed it. I have all the tv we pay for and got HBO and Showtime and TMC for free for 3 months and Cinemax for 1 cent per month for 12 months. Heh. Then they connected me to the Wild Blue rep and now I have to wait until Saturday for them to come out and connect my broadband. Grrrr, but worked out in the end.

Next bit of insanity was that I ordered a new washer and dryer for the house here---just like the set I recently purchased for the IL. home and it got delivered today. Of course we discovered a problem when I tried to do one last load of wash with the old set---The sump pump died! Arghhhhh. So that led to a mad dash--a 45 minute one-way dash-- on a holiday weekend to the nearest town to get the parts we needed. Geezez. Ok, new sump installed and working. So today when they delivered the new machines we discover the door to the dryer is F'd up. Geezez! Anyway, we got it to function but now there is a service order in for a new door on a brand new machine! Can we say AGGRAVATION!!?? LMAO

The third bit of just shoot me nonsense was the boat battery. Brand new battery...the second one mind you...dead as a door nail and with a bad cell and won't charge. So now we have to buy a new battery. We got the shore station in the water but have to wait until next week to launch the boat. AGGRAVATION! LMFAO

Other than all that insanity all is well. I already caught 2 bass off the dock but tossed them back because they were just under 15 inches. I got all my plants and seeds in the square foot gardens and all looks good. Today it's raining a bit but that's ok because I need a day of rest from all the AGGRAVATION!

I'll post again after I get the broadband connected since it was a real pain to even post this at 26.4k.

Take care all.

1 comment:

Ken Riches said...

Hope things settle down for you soon :o)