Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year

Sheesh, so now begins a new year. Hopefully better than the last. It's been a weird few weeks; not all filled with fun.

My Dad is refusing to take his medicine for his Alzheimers. He constantly says there's nothing wrong with him and the Doctor is lying. This is not atypical. We're all still trying to gently prod him into taking his meds.

My sister, the one I wrote about previously, tried to kill herself right before Christmas. Alcohol and pills. Fortunately her daughter found her--as she has many times before. A week in detox forced by the court---my stepmom and my sister's son had to go to court to get her help. Now she's in court ordered aftercare. She screws this up and the court will put her in the state mental facility. Needless to say, she doesn't want that. I hope she succeeds because this has been a 30 year running battle.

15 more days until Barack Obama is sworn in as our new President. Yahooooo! I do not envy him the job. What a mess has been left for him. Republicans are fleeing the scene during inauguration...can they please stay gone?

Minnesota will welcome Al Franken as it's newest Senator. He was born and raised in MN and his family is still there and I'm sure he'll represent Minnesotans well as did Paul Wellstone---R.I.P. Norm Coleman, of course, may fight to reclaim his seat in court---weasel. Geez, he really turned out to be a jerk. I have to wonder what happened to the Nam war protester Coleman to make him turn into such a Republican toady. Didn't know Norm was once a long-haired protester? Heh, look:

Just in case that wasn't enough:

Amazing what a few years and a complete change in ideology can do to a person.

Bush soon to be out the door! He will also be the first ex-President not to receive lifetime secret service protection. Congress, yes a Republican Congress, changed the law so that effectively any President elected after 1997 will only receive 10 years protection. I'm sure he and Laura will be secure in their gated community. For a guy who came into office telling us all "God" told him to run, he certainly had a fitting end internationally!

I find this more fitting and funny:

We here in Illinois are still dealing with Blago fatigue. Sheesh, the man gives me a headache. As far as him appointing Roland Burris as interim Senator, well, it's a mess. Burris is an opportunist with a monument to himself---ewwwww. I wish Blago would think of the citizens of Illinois before himself, but that's not likely to happen.

Anyway, I am going to look forward to a better year. I wish all of you the best.
Now, since Obama likes pie, let's have some and go forward in a positive manner.

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