Monday, July 6, 2009

Sarah Palin: Exercise in Failure

Well, I've been watching and reading for four days now the laughable final political saga of Sarah Palin and I have to say: typical. This narcissistic woman has proved to the nation and world that she is nothing politically; an empty shell. While her quitting her term in the middle of her governorship surprised many it was her style. She did the same thing when she was on the oil and gas board in Alaska. So when the going gets tough, she whines and quits. All done for attention. She doesn't like anyone to tell her or ask her to do things according to the way things should be done. Her elevation to Governor was little more than a political fluke accomplished by Alaskans that were tired of their previous Governor and thought, wrongly I might add, that Sarah would be better. Boy, were they wrong and fooled. Fooled by a woman that talked tough but had no substance.

Her rambling typical Sarah-speak incoherent I'm quitting speech was a sight to behold. Of course she whined and blamed everyone else for her ineffective governing. She blamed the media, bloggers and anyone else that disagreed with her. I remember Sarah having the temerity to lecture Hillary Clinton about complaining when Hillary was running for President.

Seems Sarah should have taken her own advice! She complained about remarks about her family. The family that she put in the national spotlight. I'll tell you that woman hasn't put up with 1 tenth of what Hillary Clinton has over the years. Hillary is light years ahead of Sarah in knowledge and class.

The thought that John Mccain portrayed such terrible judgment in choosing this woman as his running mate speaks volumes. I can't imagine her as VP or, heaven forbid, President. Imagine if some world leader insulted her or said something she didn't like. What would she have done in response? Started a war or just whined and quit?

During her campaign she brought out the absolute worst in people that attended her events. The racists, the ugly and the ill-informed and hateful. Real America my ass. Real nasty America. That turned off many that possibly would have voted for McCain. One of those people was my Republican-forever-voting Father. She did sink his campaign whether she likes that or not and whether McCain's handlers ever admit that or not.

Now she can go on her merry way and make oodles of money giving nasty speeches and writing ( seriously, does anyone actually presume that this woman will truly write her own book) her foolish book. Now she'll have no handlers or advisers. Now she'll be able to say any stupid thing that jumps around in her flighty brain. This could get interesting and more laughable.

She and her lawyer, Van Flein, are threatening to sue bloggers. OMG. Does this woman not understand the meaning of free speech and that she is a public figure? Obviously not but any letter from her lawyer to cease and desist is nothing more than intimidation. Good luck trying to sue anyone, Sarah. IMO, she's nothing more than an empty suit and painted clogs...a crappy politician and a vindictive wench. Now come get me, Sarah. Pffffft!

She can also stop saying she's doing this for the country! LMAO Please, woman, go away. You've done nothing for this country except show yourself to be an ignorant jackass. And she's certainly not making any headway for women like she thinks. Good grief, I've put up with more nonsense in my jobs than she ever will...probably because I'm older than she is and have seen women actually make advances in spite of harassment at times. She has shown that, like some men, there are still some truly ignorant women out there that assume reasonable good looks can carry the day even if one is completely lacking in knowledge.

Thankfully, she ended her own national political career. She did prove to be an exercise in complete failure. Now,if she'd just end the whining!


Beth said...

I've posted similar things recently, Jody. Maybe she can file a class action suit against us! LOL I have to admit that it makes me happy to think of the possibilities should she attempt to run for national office. Oh, the fun we could have with that!

Fish Hawk Jody said...

Oh, Beth, we'd have a marvelous time replaying all her ignorance via you tube! LOL Any attempt on her part to launch any national run will be a laughing good time. Seriously, it embarrasses me as a woman to have to listen to her spew her ignorance. Especially when it comes to anything remotely scientific!!

Ken Riches said...

Glad she shot her foot off, if only she will limp away.

TrainWreck said...

I've looked at 3 pages of your blog and you have about 7 posts related to Sarah Palin. You may need counseling. You seem to be quite obsessed.