Monday, December 8, 2008

Supreme Court Commits Rational Act

Yes, today the SCOTUS denied Donofrio v Wells. This was for an emergency stay only. A stay designed to stop the Electoral College from certifying Obama as President. Now, Donofrio may still file a writ for certiorari but good luck with that. What a maroon.

Of course, he's not the only one enlisted in the tin foil hat brigade. There's also P. Berg and Alan Keyes and a host of other sycophants ready with their time-wasting BS petitions. All this birth certificate nonsense is just that---nonsense.

No matter how many fact checkers have shown there's nothing wrong with Obama's BC these freepers would still rather see this:


Oh yes, and some think it's highly weird that Justice Thomas (the absolute worst SCJ eva) referred this silly thing to the full court for consideration--- it's not. Let's be clear on the process here, Donofrio handed this garbage to Justice Souter and he denied it. Now, the next action was for Donofrio to take it to another Justice---which he did. Weird? No.

..Part V. Motions and Applications, Rule 22.4 :

4. A Justice denying an application will note the denial thereon. Thereafter, unless action thereon is restricted by law to the Circuit Justice or is untimely under Rule 30.2, the party making an application, except in the case of an application for an extension of time, may renew it to any other Justice, subject to the provisions of this Rule. Except when the denial is without prejudice, a renewed application is not favored. Renewed application is made by a letter to the Clerk, designating the Justice to whom the application is to be directed, and accompanied by 10 copies of the original application and proof of service as required by Rule 29.

Of course, I don't expect the insanity to stop as long as Obama is President. Meanwhile, the freepers' heads explode as they think up another stupid trick to make them more irrelevant. Alas, they're sinking fast, hoping against hope for a marvelous outcome that will deny Obama the Presidency. So, while they're sinking I'll throw them this

to help them on their way down. Idiots!

1 comment:

Beth said...

It kind of cracks me up that there are some that just refuse to accept the fact that Barack Obama has been voted in as their President-Elect. Jeez, talk about denial!

"Muslim as all hell." ROFL
